SetupError="An error occurred and setup didn't finish correctly.||Uninstall Sleepy and restart the computer before you run setup again."
SetupStatusStop="Stopping tasks..."
SetupStatusUpdate="Updating files..."
SetupStatusStart="Starting tasks..."
SetupStatusPrep="Preparing files..."
SetupOlderInstalled="Setup has been canceled because an older version of Sleepy is already installed.||Uninstall the older version before you run setup again."
SetupNewerInstalled="Setup has been canceled because a newer version of Sleepy is already installed."
SetupFailNetwork="Setup has been canceled because Sleepy is using network settings. Please contact your system administrator."
SetupFailPassword="Setup has been canceled because you did not provide the correct password."
;in next item, %s is language name (Language=)
SetupNoHelp="Please Note: Help is not available in %s. When (or if) you use Sleepy help, it will be in English.||Click OK to continue setup."
PostSetupOverinstalled="Setup has successfully updated Sleepy.||Sleepy's previous settings have not been changed."
PostSetupWasStopped="Setup has detected that Sleepy is stopped.||Do you want to start it now?"
PostSetupWasOff="Setup has detected that Sleepy is off.||Do you want to turn it on and start it now?"
;wizard common strings
PostSetupBackButton="< &Back"
PostSetupNextButton="&Next >"
PostSetupNextPrompt="Make your choice, then click Next to continue."
PostSetupConfirmCancel="If you cancel, all settings will be set to default values.||Are you sure you want to cancel? "
;in next item, %1 is current question number, %2 is total number of questions
PostSetupQCount="Question %1 of %2"
PostSetupMustYN="Please click Yes or No before clicking Next"
;wizard confirm page
PostSetupWarnHdr="Setup Finished"
PostSetupWarnInfo="Setup has completed successfully. Please read this important message:"
PostSetupWarnInfo2="Save your files when Sleepy warns you that it's going to shut down or restart this computer!"
;next 2 items must start either with || or space.
PostSetupWarnInfo3="||If you still have unsaved files at shut down time, then you'll see the "Save Changes?" prompt just before the computer shuts down."
PostSetupWarnInfo4="||If you don't respond to the "Save Changes?" prompt, the computer will shut down anyway, and your unsaved work will be lost!"
PostSetupWarnPrompt="Click Next to continue."
;wizard register page
PostSetupRegHdr="Optional Registration"
PostSetupRegInfo="If you have a Sleepy registration code, type your name and code."
;next item must start with a space
PostSetupRegInfo2=" Otherwise, leave both boxes blank."
PostSetupRegNameLabel="Registered n&ame:"
PostSetupRegNumberLabel="Registration &code:"
PostSetupRecReg="This copy of Sleepy will work for %d days before you have to register it."
PostSetupRegPrompt="Click Next to continue."
;wizard settings page
PostSetupAskHdr="Get Help Choosing Important Settings?"
;in next item, %d is number of questions
PostSetupAskInfo="Do you want to answer %d questions to help you choose important settings for Sleepy?"
PostSetupAskYes="&Yes, help me choose important settings (recommended)"
PostSetupAskNo="N&o, I'll choose all settings myself"
;wizard password page
PostSetupPassHdr="Create a Password?"
PostSetupPassInfo="If you create a password, only someone who knows the password can stop Sleepy or change its settings."
;next item can be empty (="") but if you do include it, make sure it starts with a space
PostSetupPassYes="&Yes, I want to create a password (recommended)"
PostSetupPassNo="N&o, I don't want a password"
PostSetupPassXP="Windows can help you prevent changes to software and settings. Click Details to learn how."
PostSetupPassXP2="You can use Windows' User Accounts control panel to create limited user accounts. Limited users can't make changes to Sleepy (or most other software), "
PostSetupPassXP3="and they can't change most computer settings.||IMPORTANT: After creating limited accounts, make sure other user accounts have passwords.||Open the User Accounts control panel now?"
'Wizard time page
PostSetupClockHdr="Use Internet Timekeeping?"
PostSetupClockInfo="Sleepy can read the time from the Internet and set the computer's clock to match. Use this setting to prevent someone from avoiding Sleepy by changing the time."
;next item can be empty (="") but if you do include it, make sure it starts with a space
PostSetupClockYes="&Yes, use Internet timekeeping (recommended)"
PostSetupClockNo="N&o, always assume the computer's clock is correct"
PostSetupClockNote="Without Internet timekeeping, if someone changes the computer's clock, Sleepy will ignore the change until the next time the computer starts."
PostSetupClockFail="Settings couldn't get the time from the Internet. This may be a temporary problem. Try again?"
PostSetupClockAlwaysOn="Is this computer always connected to the Internet?||(Click No if you use dial-up, or if you need to type a user name or password when you connect.)"
;wizard prevent page
PostSetupUtilsHdr="Disable Tampering Programs?"
PostSetupUtilsInfo="Sleepy can disable some programs that someone could use to tamper with or avoid Sleepy."
;in next item %1 is replaced with "Date and Time Control Panel", DO NOT put a space after %1
PostSetupUtilsInfo2=" The programs are %1Registry Editor (regedit.exe), and System Configuration Editor (msconfig.exe)."
;next item must end with comma followed by a space because it will replace the %1 in above item
PostSetupUtilsNote="When the Date and Time control panel is disabled, you can still use it to change settings, but Sleepy will ask you to restart the computer first."
;wizard done page
PostSetupDoneHdr="Done Choosing Important Settings"
PostSetupDoneInfo="You've finished choosing important Settings. Click Finish to choose remaining Settings and start Sleepy."
PostSetupDonePrompt="Click Finish to continue."
PostSetupSettings="Choose your settings, then click OK to start Sleepy."
StopPrompt="Stop Sleepy until the next time Windows starts?||If you stop Sleepy now, any changes you made to settings won't be saved. Also, while Sleepy is stopped, it's less able to protect itself against tampering."
;in next item, %1 is "shut down" or "lock" or "restart"
SimpleDayInfo="&Which days of the week should Sleepy %1 the computer?"
;in next item, %1 is "shut down" or "lock" or "restart"
SimpleTimeInfo="What &time on the above days should Sleepy %1 the computer?"
;in next item %1 is hours, %2 is "shut down" or "lock", %3 is minutes
EventLimit="&For %1 hours after %2 time, limit computer sessions to %3 minutes, then %2 again"
ChoiceListEnd="Explain these choices..."
MoreChoicesInfo="You can set up different times on different days in advanced settings.||Go to advanced settings now? (Any changes you've made so far won't be saved)"
ShutDownTimerInfo="You can make Sleepy shut down (or restart) this computer after a certain amount of time has passed. This setting is temporary and only lasts until shut down."
ShutDownTimerDelay="&Timer (hh:mm):"
ShutDownTimerError="You can't use the Shut Down Timer when Sleepy is on (see Solving Problems in Help)."
TimeAdvInfo="Sleepy will try to read servers in the order shown. For best performance, choose servers near you (but server location doesn't affect the reported time)."
;next item must begin with '[' and end with ']'
;next 3 items shouldn't be changed
TimeAdvServerButton="Edit NTP Ser&vers..."
TimeAdvOptionsGrp="More options"
TimeAdvTZButton="Reset Time &Zone..."
TimePortInfo="SNTP &Port:"
TimeAdvDST="&Automatically adjust for daylight savings time"
TimeAdvSet="Set &computer's clock (except when testing)"
TimeAdvWaitConn="&Wait for an Internet connection"
TimeAdvAllEmptyTitle="Select At Least One NTP Server"
;in next item, %1 is TimeAdvNoServer
TimeAdvAllEmpty="Please select at least one NTP server (they can't all be %1)"
TimeAdvTZTitle="Reset Sleepy's Time Zone?"
TimeAdvTZMsg="If you've used the Date and Time control panel to change the time zone because you've moved or are traveling, you can reset Sleepy"
TimeAdvTZMsg2=" to the new time zone to ensure continued accurate Internet timekeeping.||Reset Sleepy to the new time zone now?"
TimeAdvTZConfirm="Sleepy's time zone has been reset. You should test a server to make sure the local time is correct."
TimeAddEditInvalid="Illegal character in server name. Valid characters are a-z, 0-9, ' - ' and ' . '||If you included a location, make sure there's a space after the address, followed by the location in parentheses. For example:| (USA west)"
TimeTestNoConn="This computer may not be connected to the Internet.||Test anyway?"
TimeTestNoConnSetup="Settings needs to test Internet time now, but this computer doesn't appear to be connected to the Internet.||Connect to the Internet now? (Click No to skip the test)"
;in next item, %1 is name of server, %u is port number
TimeTestServer="Server: %1 on port %u"
TimeTestProgressSetup="Trying to get the time from the Internet (this might take a minute)..."
TimeTestProgress="Connecting to time server..."
;in next item, %1 is date, %2 is time
TimeTestOK="Successfully got time from the Internet:||%1, %2"
;in next item, %1 is response time in seconds; item must start with "|"
TimeTestFailSetup="Couldn't get time from the Internet.||Click OK to continue."
TimeTestFailBasic="Couldn't get time from the Internet.||Check your internet connection, and/or click Advanced... in Timekeeping Settings for more choices."
TimeTestFailAdv="Test failed. If no servers are responding, there is a problem with your Internet connection, or requests are being blocked by a firewall."
;each message below consists of 2 items that are combined into one when displayed,
;so make sure there is a space or linebreak between them.
;if only one item is needed, make sure to include the other one but leave it empty, e.g. ' SettingsWarningInfo2="" '
SettingsWarningInfo1="If Sleepy was already on, changes to settings (except password) aren't applied "
SettingsWarningInfo2="until the next time the computer starts."
AMWarningInfo1="You've specified a time that's at midnight or later. Are you sure it's on the right day?||Example: "
;in next item, %1 and %2 are local format of 1AM (for example, "1:00 AM")
AMWarningInfo2="To shut down after midnight on Monday night, you should set shut down for Tuesday at %1, not Monday at %2."
MultiEventWarningInfo1="Only the first event will be shown in basic settings.||"
MultiEventWarningInfo2="To see all events, always use advanced settings."
DisableWarningInfo1="Some options may be disabled (gray) unless a related option is checked/unchecked.||"
DisableWarningInfo2="To enable an option, try checking or unchecking the option above or below it."
ShrDisableWarningInfo1="Because you're viewing network settings, options that aren't available with network settings are disabled (gray).||"
ShrDisableWarningInfo2="All local settings are ignored when network settings are in use, except Power off at shut down."
StopWarningInfo1="If you need to, you can start Sleepy later without restarting the computer.||"
StopWarningInfo2="To start Sleepy later, open Sleepy Settings, make sure Sleepy is on, click OK, and choose to apply settings now."
DontSaveWarningInfo1="If there are unsaved files at shut down, you'll see the 'Save changes?' prompt. If you don't respond within 20 seconds, then the 'Program is not responding' error will occur, and shut down won't happen."
DontSaveWarningInfo2="||To prevent this problem, check this option and set the number of seconds to 19 or less.||Unchecking this option or setting the seconds to 20 or more will give more time to respond, but it makes shut down less reliable."
TurnOffWarningTitle="Turn Sleepy Off?"
TurnOffWarningInfo1="When Sleepy is on, it protects itself against certain kinds of tampering."
TurnOffWarningInfo2="||When Sleepy is off, it can't protect itself as well.||Are you sure you want to turn Sleepy off?"
GetHintInfoNote="To avoid losing your password, you can enter a recovery question and answer.||If you forget the password later, you can recover it by answering the question."
GetHintQLabel="&Type the question (anyone will be able to see this):"
GetHintALabel="Type the &answer:"
GetHintMissing="Both boxes must be filled in. Please try again."
GetHintNoHintButtonText="&Skip This"
GetHintInfoNote2="To recover the password, type the answer to the question.||If the answer is correct, Sleepy will show the password."
GetHintQLabel2="This is the password question:"
GetHintBad="Your answer is wrong. Make sure your spelling is correct.||Try again?"
;in next item, %1 is password (human-readable)
GetHintOK="Your answer is correct!||The password is "%1".||It's been automatically typed into the Enter Password window for you, so you don't have to type it again."
;in next item, %1 is the answer the user entered
GetHintVerify="Please check your answer to make sure you typed it correctly:||"%1"||Is this correct?"
PWErase1="Someone erased the Sleepy password on %1.||If it wasn't you, then you should open Sleepy Settings and create a new password immediately."
;next item should start with "||"
PWErase2="||Note: The reminder message will appear for a total of %1 days, even if you create a new password or reinstall Sleepy."
PWEraseError="Can't erase password, because the last time it was erased was less than %d days ago."
PWEraseConf1="If you erase the password, then for the next %d days, Sleepy will show a reminder message confirming that the password was erased."
;next item should start with "||"
PWEraseConf2="||The reminder message will display for %d days even if you create a new password or reinstall Sleepy.||Are you sure you want to erase the password?"
RegBuyInfo="To buy a registration code, click Buy Now to go to the Internet order form. When your purchase is completed, you'll receive a purchase confirmation with a registration code."
RegInfo="If you already have a registration code, type your name and code, then click OK. Type the name exactly as shown on the purchase confirmation."
RegFail="The registration information you entered is wrong.||Make sure the code is correct and your name is spelled exactly as shown on the purchase confirmation."
RegEmpty="Please fill in both boxes (name and code)."
RunProgramInfo="The program starts before shut down and restart events (lock events are optional). The program won't start if you shut down from the Start menu."
RunProgramLabel="&Program: (you can drag and drop files here)"
RunProgramMinutes="&Number of minutes before event to start program:"
RunProgramLock="&Start the program before lock events too"
RunProgramFileTypeAll="All Files"
;next item must end with a newline "|" character
RunProgramError="Couldn't start the program. Make sure the folder is correct (if included), and enclose it in quotes if there are arguments.||Examples:|"
LockButtonShutdown="Unlock, then &shut down in %d minutes"
LockButtonRestart="Unlock, then &restart in %d minutes"
LockPasswordNotActive="You can't unlock with your password, because this option is turned off.||Turn this option on? (It won't take effect until the next time this computer starts)"
ToolCPLInfo="Access to Date and Time Control Panel denied."
ToolCPLRestart="If you need to use the Date and Time Control Panel, you can restart the computer now. After the computer restarts you'll have 5 minutes to use the control panel.||Restart now?"
ToolCPLName="Date and Time Properties"
ToolCPLDesc="Sleepy replacement for Date and Time Properties"
CPLClose="Please close the %1 window, then click OK to continue."
ErrorSharedUninstall="Sleepy can't be uninstalled when it's using network settings.||Please contact your system administrator for more information."
CantUninstallNow="Sleepy can't be uninstalled until after it's been turned off and the computer has been restarted.||Do you want to turn Sleepy off and restart now? After the computer restarts, you'll be able to uninstall Sleepy."
RestartButtonText="&Turn Sleepy Off and Restart Now"
ErrorOtherInstance="Sleepy can't be uninstalled while it's in use.||Close all programs and try again."
ErrorServiceExists="Setup had a problem while trying to install the Sleepy service.||Please uninstall Sleepy, restart this computer, and run setup again."
ErrorServiceNoStart="The Sleepy service never started."
;in next 2 items, %lu is error number
ErrorDoModal="The dialog box could not be displayed (GetLastError=%lu)."
ErrorWindowsUpdated="Because you've installed a newer version of Windows, you must re-install Sleepy.||You can download the latest version of Sleepy from"
ErrorNTP="Invalid time/date read from Internet, ignored."
SaveConfirm="Sleepy's current settings have been saved to the file:||%s"
SaveError="Unable to save settings. Make sure the destination file is specified and is in a writeable location."